The thing I've always said about Toronto (and Canada in general), is that it's very much like Australia in its laid-back atmosphere. But it's city life is much more bustling, with amazing shopping and vintage for fashionistas, a wider range of unbelievably good food at any street, and more arts and culture then you can poke a stick at. Toronto is definitely my home away from home.
On my second visit there, it was coming into summer and the weather averaged about 32 degrees I'd say, for my two weeks stay. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I was there to attend my cousin's wedding, whom I haven't seen for five years! So after some obliged family outings, I was able to go out and explore on my own, or with my cousins. There were a few places I wanted to go to like the Bata Shoe Museum, and see the CN Tower, the highest free-standing structure in the world (It turns out it's a bit of a tourist trap, but you can see it from Downtown anyways). I was also lucky enough to catch the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Ontario Science Centre, where I got sorted into Gryffindor house, and went to Herbology class! Haha, this was definitely the best thing I did on my trip... other then shopping. Again, I was pretty lax about taking photos, which isn't usually like me. I think sometimes you just have to be there in the moment and not worry about having something to show. I was just having too much fun. I didn't take that many photos at the wedding, so I haven't posted many. Oh, and you're going to see a lot of food here:

Dundas Square
Street performers & Canon Theatre in the background.
Even superheroes suffer in these harsh economic times.
This is Old City Hall, I forgot to take a photo of New City Hall.
This is my nephew Preston. Isn't he cute?
He was very fascinated by my iPod.
Mmm... Crepes! What a difference a plate makes, eh?
So freaking good. Tried sake for the first time too.. It's like drinking hot tequila.
This is called an Obama Roll. Why? Two words... Brown. Rice. Lol.
A nice pub we went to on Queen St. W I believe. Canadians love their people watching.
My cousin Louise, me, and my cousin Michelle.
I think this was a seafood pancake or something. Delicious, is what it was, hehe.
The Bata Shoe Museum, which was designed to look like a shoe box.
Worn during the Tudors age (King Henry VIII), these were known as 'duck bills'.
Love that patent black.
You can tell a lady by her shoes - Virginia Woolf.
These belonged to the King! Or Bubba for those who read the True Blood books, hehe.
This shoe was worn by cows. So very, very wrong.
These tiny socks were about 3 or 4 centimeters tall!
They belonged to Coraline.
Okay, so those were a few pics from the shoe museum.
Toronto has such good food everywhere!
Peter & Michelle - The happy couple!
My cousin and I
My nephew again, and my neice Chloe. So adorable!!
My first wedding I've ever attended. I wept like a child.
This was just one of her wardrobe changes. Isn't my cousin beautiful?
Their first dance as husband and wife, to the song 'Come What May' from Moulin Rouge.
The dessert table.
Okay, so car park levels are divided by animal. I thought that was quite funny.
No, really.
Went thrift-store shopping with my cousin, and found this little piece of treasure for 99 cents.
Really nice patio at Glow cafe. Again, Torontonians love to people watch.
Found out I really don't like pomegranate...
Hey Mish!
It was so hot that day. Walking to the Harry Potter Exhibition at the OSC.
The Ontario Science Centre. Huge place. Took me ages to find and get to the exhibit.
Unfortunately, they were very strict about photography inside the exhibit.
But the Weasley's flying car was in the lobby!
I'm sorry, but what does Jesus have to do with it?
Ate a lot of good ramen while I was there.
Okay. This, is a Shaken Iced Green Tea Lemonade. This, is what I crave for.
A thank you card I wrote to my cousin on my last day. So hard to say goodbye.
My last walk along Yonge Street.